selection - définition. Qu'est-ce que selection
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Qu'est-ce (qui) est selection - définition

Selected; Selecting; Selections; Selection (disambiguation)

Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English.
Selection is the act of selecting one or more people or things from a group.
...Darwin's principles of natural selection...
Dr. Sullivan's selection to head the Department of Health was greeted with satisfaction...
N-UNCOUNT: with supp
A selection of people or things is a set of them that have been selected from a larger group.
...this selection of popular songs.
N-COUNT: oft N of n
The selection of goods in a shop is the particular range of goods that it has available and from which you can choose what you want.
It offers the widest selection of antiques of every description in a one day market.
= range
N-COUNT: usu sing, usu N of n
¦ noun
1. the action or fact of selecting.
a number of selected things.
a range of things from which a choice may be made.
a horse or horses tipped as worth bets in a race or meeting.
2. Biology the evolutionary process which determines which types of organism thrive; natural selection.
Choice, pick, election, preference.



Selection may refer to:

Exemples de prononciation pour selection
1. selection, not natural selection,
Eternal Sonata _ Jamie Metzl _ Talks at Google
2. selection.
The Righteous Mind _ Jonathan Haidt _ Talks at Google
3. selection.
New California Wine _ Jon Bonne _ Talks Google
4. selection.
UCLA Glass Storytelling Grace Plains _ Jeff Burke _ Talks at Google
5. of selection.
Curation - The power of Selection in a World of Excess _ Michael Bhaskar _ Talks at Google
Exemples du corpus de texte pour selection
1. But although academic selection is proscribed, social selection is not.
2. "There‘s a real case for more selection within schools rather than selection between schools.
3. We abolished school selection by exams, and found we had replaced it with selection by money.
4. "Selection by prior attainment is currently also largely selection by social background," it said.
5. Both overt and covert selection is taking place under a government which came to power pledging no more selection.